2022, Number 5
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (5)
Metabolic acidosis: from beginning to the end
Sánchez-Díaz JS, Peniche-Moguel KG, Martínez-Rodríguez EA, Rivera-Solís G, Del Carpio-Orantes L, Pérez-Nieto OR, Zamarrón-López, Eder Iván; Monares-Zepeda E
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 1050-1062
PDF size: 275.36 Kb.
Metabolic acidosis is the most complex acid-base disorder to study, originated as
a consequence of the loss of bicarbonate; the gain of hydrogen ions or the lack
of elimination of these makes its etiology a multifactorial nature, making its diagnostic
and therapeutic approach very feared by most clinical doctors, so, through
this narrative review it is intended to expose in a practical way the physiology,
pathophysiology, etiology, diagnosis and therapeutic options so that the doctor, in
a simple way, puts the “complex” into practice and understands this disorder from
beginning to the end.
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