2021, Number 2
Alternative surgical treatment in a case of voluntary ingestion of foreign bodies
Language: Spanish
References: 9
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Introduction: Intentional ingestion of foreign bodies in adults is a rare event that occurs mainly in psychiatric patients or inmates, and can cause a serious problem, compromising the life of the patient.Objective: To present the clinical case of an adult patient with ingestion of several pinpoint foreign bodies of different sizes, and to show a variant to extract them with the least possible damage.
Clinical case: The case is a 25-year-old male incarcerate patient who ingested several pieces of copper wire of different lengths, and due to the high risk of causing perforation, it was decided to perform an exploratory laparotomy and extraction of foreign bodies through a gastrotomy, and through the appendicular orifice without the need to open an intestinal loop.
Conclusions: A possible method to extract the fine foreign bodies that manage to pass through the Trietz angle is to advance the foreign body through the appendicular orifice and perform a complementary appendectomy, thus achieving its extraction without performing an enterotomy.
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