2022, Number 10
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (10)
Necrotic type of Lipschütz ulcer
Benito-Vielba M, Pellicer A, Baquedano-Mainar L, Lapresta-Moros M, Colmenarejo F
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 864-868
PDF size: 200.02 Kb.
Introduction: Lipschütz ulcers are an infrequent cause of genital ulcer, of spontaneous
relief and almost always benign, although in some patients they may leave
genital scars. They usually appear in young women, before the onset of active sexual
life, coinciding with a catarrhal or flu-like condition.
Clinical case: 18-year-old female patient with a painful vulvar ulcer, coinciding
with an episode of acute tonsillitis and fever of 38 ºC. The patient denied having had
sexual intercourse. The ulcer was 3 to 4 cm, deep, purulent, with opening of the right
labium minora and with a significant necrotic component. For pain control she was
prescribed corticosteroids, oral doxycycline, lidocaine cream and anti-inflammatory
drugs. Laboratory tests ruled out sexually transmitted infection. At the end of the
prescribed therapeutic scheme the evolution was favorable, with disappearance of
symptoms, but with a sequel: opening of the right labium majus.
Conclusions: Lipschütz ulcer is a rare cause of vulvar ulcer. Its treatment consists
of symptom control and it almost always heals within 4 to 6 weeks, leaving no lesions.
The diagnosis can only be established after other more frequent causes of vulvar ulceration
have been excluded.
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