2022, Number 10
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (10)
Abdominal term pregnancy with a live newborn without malformations. Case report: literature review
Cabrera-Chávez LE, Rojas-Ruiz JC, Collantes-Cubas J
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 844-849
PDF size: 194.70 Kb.
Background: Abdominal pregnancy represents 1% of ectopic pregnancies, with a
maternal mortality that can reach up to 20% and a fetal mortality of up to 90%.
Clinical case: 31-year-old female patient, in the course of 39 weeks of her second
pregnancy. The first pregnancy was attended, without complications, at home when
she was 25 years old; she was immediately prescribed quarterly injectable medroxyprogesterone
acetate as a contraceptive method. She went to the Regional Teaching
Hospital of Cajamarca due to abdominal pain after seven prenatal check-ups. She was
admitted to the obstetrics service on the third day with prodromes of labor, transverse
fetus and placenta previa. In the emergency cesarean section the uterus was found to
be 18 cm, the placenta adhered to the omentum, intestine, sigmoid colon, rectum and
left wall of the uterus. A newborn was obtained with Apgar 8-9, without malformations.
Placental extraction, subtotal abdominal hysterectomy and left salpingo-oophorectomy
were performed. Intraoperative bleeding was 1800 mL, which required the transfusion
of two packs of red blood cells. The mother and daughter evolved favorably and were
discharged from the hospital without complications.
Conclusion: Abdominal pregnancy is a rare event, especially if it is carried to term
with a healthy live newborn. Despite ultrasonographic studies, abdominal pregnancy
is not easily diagnosed; therefore almost all are diagnosed during surgery. If the placenta
does not affect extensive vascular structures or abdominopelvic organs, it can
be removed, with extreme care, so as not to cause greater harm.
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