2021, Number 2
Characterization of the female population with preconception risk of Arroyo Naranjo municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 638.10 Kb.
Introduction: Preconception reproductive risk is the probability that a non-pregnant woman has of suffering harm, on herself or her offspring, if she is involved in the reproductive process.Objective: To characterize the female population aged 15-49 years who present preconception risk.
Method: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. The universe consisted of 603 women of childbearing age from the family medical office 2 of Párraga Polyclinic, Arroyo Naranjo Municipality (Havana, Cuba), in the period 2015-2016. The sample consisted of 160 women who presented preconception risk and selected using the nonprobabilistic sampling technique by intentional criteria (intentional sampling). A questionnaire was applied to collect data, with prior informed consent. Individual and family medical records and preconception risk cards were reviewed. The variables studied were age, nutritional status, toxic habits, use of contraceptives, parity, intergenic period, and associated chronic diseases. The data were statistically processed and, after the summary, they were expressed in frequency and percentage values.
Results: The preconception risk factors that most influenced were age between 15 and 19 years, asthma, malnutrition in excess. The most used contraceptive method was the intrauterine device.
Conclusions: It was evidenced that with adequate dispenzarization and follow-up, it can be guaranteed that reproduction be reached in optimal conditions.
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