2021, Number 2
Quality assessment of prehospital care for patients with acute coronary syndrome
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 363.94 Kb.
Introduction: Medical care in acute coronary syndrome must be aimed at treating, immediately, situations that may compromise life. Primary health services must be able to provide adequate medical care in the acute prehospital phase.Objectives: To assess the quality of prehospital care for patients with acute coronary syndrome.
Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study carried out with patients treated at Joaquín Albarrán Hospital, in the period from January 2018 to January 2020, referred from prehospital care with a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. The data were obtained from the referral records from the health area. Seven criteria were used to assess the quality of care. Frequency distribution analysis was used and percentage of compliance with each of the criteria used was calculated.
Results: The study included 427 patients, who had an average age of 63.2 years. There was a predominance of males and typical chest pain was the most frequent onset form. Of the seven quality criteria, five were met satisfactorily. The compliance percentage in the case of thrombolysis was 30.8%.
Conclusions: Although, in general, the quality of prehospital care provided to patients with acute coronary syndrome is satisfactory, the use of thrombolysis was not optimal.
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