2021, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2021; 37 (2)
Disability in older people
Almenares RK, Sierra VMC, Álvarez LME, Pría BMC
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 507.15 Kb.
Aging in Cuba is a demographic problem and, from an individual perspective, it is generally accompanied by diseases that affect functionality. This brings about disability in older people.
To identify the prevalence of disability and diseases suffered by older adults.
A pilot study was carried out with forty elderly people from José Trujillo health area of Mariel Municipality. The WHODAS 2.0 instrument was applied to measure disability. Their diseases were identified in the medical records. Information was summarized in percentages.
Of the older people studied, 75% were disabled with levels between light and moderate (27% and 25%, respectively), with more frequency in women and in advanced ages. The most affected dimensions were understanding and communication, as well as participation in society. The main diseases were cardiovascular and mental (40% and 23.3%, respectively).
The disability magnitude was important in the people studied. The most affected dimensions were understanding and communication, activities of daily living and participation in society. Cardiovascular diseases were the most frequent, but mental illnesses were those associated with severe levels of disability.
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