2003, Number 6
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2003; 46 (6)
Experience with problem based learning
Castro AM, Reyes RMA, Coria CR, García YY, Gutiérrez QM
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 246-250
PDF size: 45.69 Kb.
Currently at universities, new methods of teaching are being implemented. Among them is the “Problem Based Teaching” (PBT), which stimulates the active and individual learning. This method presents real problems to give the students the opportunity to think.
The objective of this paper is to show the experience obtained by applying PBT to free elective subject. The program was made taking clinical histories from patients of the National Institute of Paediatrics. Two formats were made, one for the students who already have the necessary information to draw medical conditions, and another one for the tutor/facilitator with the same information the student get, plus the solution to the medical problem.
The group of nine students of the 3rd year of the medicine school were evaluated through the “triple jump” and the assay. The group of five tutors was evaluated by Dolmans questionnaire and by a videorecording. This method of learning allowed the students to solve the most recurring parasitology problems in Mexico as well as team work, research and disease the gathered information incorporating basis with clinical subjects to make an assay. In other words the students learn to learn.
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