2021, Number 2
Cardiovascular ergometry in sports and physical culture
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 353.21 Kb.
Introduction: Physical culture and sports are of great importance in strengthening human health and in preventing disease and aging processes. Within the scientific-technological tools used by applied sciences, ergometry is one of the fundamental instruments in the sports medical field. It can be used in the planning of sports training and also in the diagnosis and recovery of health in sick individuals, as well as in the maintenance of physical well-being in the healthy person, of any age group.Objective: To prove the importance of cardiovascular ergometry in support of physical culture and sports.
Methods: A review of scientific literature and research works related to the topics of physical culture and sports as to exercise testing was carried out. Articles currently published in Medline with the PubMed interface were reviewed.
Findings: Cardiovascular ergometry allows to assess reliable indicators before starting any sports practice. This guarantees the implementation of specific training plans founded on scientific bases, which evidences the rise of sports performance, quality of life and health.
Conclusions: Ergometry is a scientific-technological tool that allows to guarantee an effective start and maintenance of individualized sports training. It is necessary for the implementation of correct physical exercise programs, which aims to promote health and improve the components of physical fitness related to health and rehabilitation.
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