2021, Number 4
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Rev Hematol Mex 2021; 22 (4)
Urological complications in patients with hematologic malignancy
Dorantes-Carrillo LA, Barbosa-Loría DM, Morales-De Azcué M, Labra-Salgado IR, Morales-Adrián JJ
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 246-258
PDF size: 310.86 Kb.
Background: Request for medical attention in the emergency department is frequent
in patients with hematologic malignancy, because its underlying disease per se
corresponds to a sub-optimal status of immunity, hemostasis and thrombosis. In these
patients, chemotherapy often causes prolonged periods of deep cytopenia, being this
the moment of greater risk of infections and bleeding complications, which contributes
as a major cause of mortality among these patients.
Clinical case: A 59-year-old male patient with diagnoses of acute myeloblastic
leukemia and nephrolithiasis who throughout his treatment presented hematuria and
recurrent urinary tract infections that required joint management of Urology and Hematology
services in a tertiary hospital in Mexican southeast.
Conclusions: Urological complications are considered real urgencies in patients
with hematologic malignancy and represent a therapeutic challenge primarily due
to the lack of joint management guidelines to regulate the proper treatment in these
cases, as well the patients that are ineligible for surgery, either by the low functional
status and/or impaired hemostasis and thrombosis, caused by hematologic malignancy
itself or treatment.
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