2021, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2021; 40 (2)
Thematic analysis from the Coronavirus Metric Observatory of the research published in PubMed
Díaz PM, Alfonso SIR, Giráldez RR
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 753.74 Kb.
The scientific experience of recent months against the COVID-19 pandemic shows a speed never seen before, likewise, the speed in the publication of the results of such investigations is unprecedented. The context reveals the sustained race in science against the spread of this deadly virus. In this study, bibliographic evidence is documented to recognize PubMed as one of the main sources of scientific information on medicine that exist in the world. In the context of COVID-19, it is a necessity for the scientific, medical and research union to know the issues addressed by the main articles in the database. The objective of this research is to analyze the thematic behavior of the articles published by PubMed on coronavirus in the first half of 2020, using the Coronavirus Metric Observatory of the University of Pinar del Río as an analysis tool. The scientific interest of the study is concentrated in the variables subject, MeSH and keywords; those that are analyzed with different metric techniques that facilitate the visualization and interpretation of the results. It was shown that PubMed, among the most recurrent topics, has socialized research in virology, microbiology, pharmaceuticals, comprehensive general medicine and their relationships with oncology, neurology, pediatrics, psychology, psychiatry, ophthalmology, nutrition, telemedicine and medical devices.
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