2022, Number 1
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2022; 42 (1)
HLA-G and its role in solid organ transplants
Becerra RJA
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 83-97
PDF size: 605.52 Kb.
Solid organ transplantation has been
considered the ultimate goal for some
end-stage chronic diseases, however,
HLA incompatibilities between the
donor and the recipient may allow the
alloresponse to become deleterious
for the transplanted organ, a response
that can be both innate and adaptive.
HLA-G y su función en trasplantes de órganos sólidos
HLA-G and its role in solid organ transplants
Jorge Andrés Becerra Romero
HLA-G has been identified as a
natural tolerance-inducing molecule
(28) mainly in pregnancy and is
considered a non-classical HLA class
I molecule; however, it shares some
structural characteristics with classic
HLA. HLA-G genes are characterized
by having a limited polymorphism
and a cellular and tissue distribution
restricted to the fetal trophoblast and
thymic epithelial cells, among others.
The persistent search for tolerance in
organ transplants has allowed a specific
study of HLA-G, as a therapeutic
possibility to increase grafts and
transplant patient’s survival; for this
reason we carried out a review of this
molecule to stimulate research and
understanding of its functions.
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