2022, Number 1
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2022; 42 (1)
The agenda of transplantology and the scarcity of compatible (normative) grafts: a view from argentine Law
Elian PC
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 74-82
PDF size: 229.64 Kb.
The spectacular nature of
transplantology gave space for life
by pushing the limits of death
and literally putting science and
technology on the edges of existence,
redefining the understanding of the
human. Health, disease, life and
death make the behind-the-scenes
times of imperatives weighing on
research and development, more and
more, it is necessary to resist their
clashes with the most sophisticated
intellectual legacy that the West is
supposed to achieve: the conceptual
technology of human rights.Hence,
the normative devices and regulatory
aspects occupy a place of relevance.
In this framework, these lines intend
to recover the legislative replacement
process that Argentina attempted in
the matter of organ transplants during
2018 and to rehearse a journey so that
the Law receives the current transplant
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