2022, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2022; 64 (5)
Clinical Practice Guideline for the early detection and timely referral of lung cancer patients
Arroyo-Hernández M, Alva-López LF, Rendón A, Barroso-Villafuerte FR, Báez-Saldaña R, Corona-Cruz JF, Farfán-Salazar G, Guerrero-Ixtlahuac J, Castillo-González P, Salmon-Demongin A, Zaldívar-Crosby G, Bolaño-Guerra LM, Zavala-Cruz GG, Sánchez-Gutiérrez JA, Rendón-Ramírez EJ, Magdaleno-Maldonado GE, Olivares-Torres CA, López-Saucedo RA, Lizardo AE, Ortiz-Vázquez S, Vázquez-García J, Montes-Narváez G, Pacheco-Juárez M, Arrieta O
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 530-538
PDF size: 298.65 Kb.
Objective. To provide recommendations for the early lung
cancer diagnosis in patients with risk factors at primary care
and their timely referral.
Materials and methods. This
clinical practice guideline (CPG) was developed to establish
recommendations based on the best available evidence and
agreed upon by a group of experts representing different
health sectors. A multidisciplinary group of experts that
conformed to the Guideline Development Group (GDG)
and conducted detailed scientific evidence research that answered
the clinical research questions. The modified Delphi
Panel was used to achieve an adequate consensus on the
recommendations contained in this CPG.
Results. Fourteen
recommendations were generated following the standards of
a CPG.
Conclusion. LC represents a public health concern
in México. Therefore, this guideline establishes recommendations
to support decision-making regarding early detection
and referral of LC in primary care health services.
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