2021, Number 2
Connectivity Links Management Web System in the Infomed Node of Villa Clara, Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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To provide access to information and knowledge for people and Public Health institutions, the Infomed network was created in Cuba. The network has a group of products and services deployed in the territorial node networks throughout the country. Within its functions, the Infomed Provincial Node of Villa Clara manages the connectivity links for all the institutions of the province, problems were identified in this area showing that the mechanism used for the request and processing of the connectivity links is not efficient, generating errors in the data, duplication of information, as well as a slow management and vulnerabilities. This research proposes the solution to the problem providing the development of a web application that makes optimal information management of connectivity. For the implementation of the application, the OpenUP software development methodology was used. The Django software development framework was selected for the realization of the web application with Python in the server logic. Mariadb was used as the database engine, on a Linux operating system in a virtualization environment using Proxmox. For the validation of the research, functionality tests were carried out.REFERENCES
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