2021, Number 2
On Science, Technology and Society in the Development of Educational Software for Stomatology. Holguín, Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 26
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The development of science and technology impacts the various sectors of society. Higher education has been influenced by technological advances in recent years, with advances in the creation of educational software for its application in the teaching-learning process. Explaining how the link between science, technology and society is manifested in the development of this resource for the Stomatology career in Holguín, which is the objective of this work, contributes to the understanding of this process from a holistic perspective. Theoretical methods such as the documentary review, the analytical-synthetic, the inductive-deductive, and the logical historical allowed to reveal regularities of this process in the current context and its meaning in academic training. The production of Crheasoft, an authoring system in web format developed at the University of Medical Sciences of Holguín, the creation of 32 educational software in correspondence with the programs of the subjects of the Stomatology curriculum, the participation of students, teachers and administrators reflected in Scientific methodological events, publications, seminars and conferences are a pertinent response to the insertion of scientific-technical advances and social demands. The availability and use of educational software in the teaching-learning process corresponds to educational trends at the international level, whose generalization favors the management of knowledge as a basic need of man as a social being.REFERENCES
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