2021, Number 1
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Acta de Otorrinolaringología CCC 2021; 49 (1)
Pedagogy and otorhinolaryngology, alterity in pandemic times
Becerra-Cuervo WA
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 73-76
PDF size: 125.24 Kb.
Medical education is currently going through a time of crisis where it requires an implementation
of pedagogical strategies based on constructivist educational models
and leaves aside part of the traditional educational model. Currently, further changes
and adjustments to the educational model in the specialty of otolaryngology are required
for the training of first and second specialty resident physicians by the global
pandemic state. Relying on information and communication technologies applied to
medical education deserves more relevance in training programs, likewise an educational
look where the otherness (We-Others) takes relevance with an active role
among the groups of teachers and students without leaving aside the participation of
the academic formation centers by means of a joint work, this is the new educational
horizon for medical-surgical postgraduate programs.
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