2021, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2021; 32 (2)
CHECKEATE, a technological application for the prevention and treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases
Pacora CLA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 538.90 Kb.
Lack of a preventive culture and of timely early diagnosis are two of the most
important factors to be considered in the prevention and treatment of chronic
non-communicable diseases worldwide. Mobile technology is therefore an
alternative which could very well be used in preventive medicine. The purpose
of the study was to validate a technological application for the diagnosis of
chronic non-communicable diseases using a mobile device. A descriptive study
was conducted based on the survey as technique and the questionnaire as data
collection tool. The sample was 60 people aged over 18 years, all of them users
of the social network Facebook, who follow the webpage https://esla.
facebook.com/DrLuisPacoraCamargo/. Results show that 57.1% of the
respondents were aged 21-40 years; 88.3% reported using the Internet daily;
53.3% that they used their devices frequently for communication through social
networks; 53.4% had downloaded a health-related application, and 82.8% were
familiar with the term "preventive medicine" and would used it more frequently
if they had more information on their mobile devices. In conclusion, design and
implementation of a health service through mobile devices, as is the case with
CHECKEATE, would be viable in a young market potentially interested in
preventive health topics.
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