2021, Number 2
Scientific production about biomedical sciences in the province of Santiago de Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 1-27
PDF size: 882.48 Kb.
The study of health scientific production in Cuba is a field of permanent interest for all specialists. A bibliometric study covering the period 1920-2018 was conducted in the database Scopus to characterize biomedical scientific production in the province of Santiago de Cuba. Use was made of search strategies and variables related to scientific productivity. Authors' productivity was quantified with Lotka's index. A total 919 papers were retrieved published by 2 484 authors. A high percentage of small producers was identified. The University of Oriente was the institution contributing the largest health scientific production. Saturnino Lora Provincial Hospital achieved the highest scientific production levels in the health sector. The most productive year was 2013, and the most prolific authors were Alicia Pons-Porrata, Zenén Fernández Rodríguez and Ricardo Hodelín Tablada. Analysis of important aspects of scientific production made it possible to characterize research activity and its evolution over time. Scientific production rates are low among Santiago de Cuba health professionals in comparison with other institutions. Evidence was found of the need to increase collaboration with international researchers and to take decisions aimed at enhancing the productivity and visibility of authors. It is suggested that authors and institutions maintain a single signature for their publications.REFERENCES
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