2022, Number 2
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2022; 42 (2)
Investigation of factors affecting weight gain and physical activity in kidney transplant recipients
Gorucu E, Sarıgol OY
Language: English
References: 35
Page: 134-143
PDF size: 249.15 Kb.
Objective: This study aimed to
determine the affecting factors related
to weight gain and physical activity in
kidney transplant recipients.
The study has a descriptive and crosssectional
design. The study population
consisted of all the patients having
kidney transplantation (n=107) at one
private hospital and one university
hospital between November 2017 and
August 2018.
Methods: Data were
collected by using a sociodemographic
and clinical characteristic form,
Nutrition Assessment Questionnaire,
and the International Physical Activity
Scale. Linear regression analysis was
used to evaluate the data.
The difference between the body mass
index in the first follow-up and the
body mass index in last follow-up was
2.44 ± 4.78. There were statistically
significant differences between weight
and BMI in the first follow-up and
weight and the body mass index in the
last follow-up after transplantation. As
age increased, weight gain decreased
by 0.22 times, but as time from
transplantation increased, weight gain
increased by 0.37 times. Transplants
from live donors increased weight gain
by 0.21 times. None of the variables
included in the regression model was
predictive of physical activity levels.
No significant relation was found
between weight gain and physical
activity levels.
Conclusion: While
the recipients gained less weight as
age progressed, they gained more
weight as the time elapsed after kidney
transplantation increased. It seems
that live transplant recipients gain
more weight and need support in this
respect. Sociodemographic and clinical
characteristics of the recipients did not
affect their physical exercise levels.
Weight gain and physical activity
status of kidney transplant recipients
should be examined periodically.
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