2021, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Farm 2021; 54 (2)
Characterization of the list of medicines of the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Vietnam
Vu HPA, García FA
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 825.02 Kb.
Introduction: It is a key tool to guarantee the proper functioning of a hospital to
have a safe and effective list of medicines.
Objective: Characterize the list of medicines used in the National Hospital of
Obstetrics and Gynecoloy of Vietnam in 2018.
Methods: It was conducted a descriptive study that included the number of
medicines, their financing, the therapeutic group, the classification of high,
medium or low expense, or vital, essential and not-essential; and the matrix in
these two axes.
Results: The list of medicines had 249 products. The group of antibiotics and drugs
for the control of infections was the most frequent, being a 16,14% of the total of
medicines. More than half of the expenditure in medicines (VND 134 779 395
936,88) was financed by the National Medical Insurance. 26 medicines, mainly
hormones treatments, were financed by the patients. Among the drugs of higher
cost, there were four non-essential ones that require a review.
Conclusions: The list of medicines of the hospital is formed by a large number of
therapeutic groups. The matrix analysis allows identifying the medicines to assess
in the next process of updating of the list, as well as those that need a more
frequent control.
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