2021, Number 2
Caries in permanent first molars and associated factors with its in schoolchildren from Acapulco
Language: Spanish
References: 26
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Introduction: Caries is the most frequent oral disease and the first permanent molars are very susceptible to this condition because they are the first teeth to emerge.Objective: To estimate the prevalence of caries its associated factors in the first permanent molars in second grade primary school children.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in second grade students in 17 out of 67primary public schools in Acapulco, Guerrero. We applied a self-administered questionnaire to obtain sociodemographic data and dental hygiene habits. Caries and the presence of dentobacterial plaque were measured through epidemiological indices, CPOD (decayed, blocked and lost tooth) and O'Leary index. The odds ratio and 95% confidence interval, adjusted by cluster, were estimated as a measure of strength of association through multivariate analysis.
Results: We reviewed 3 332 permanent first molars, 21% had cavities, 6% had seals and 1% had already been removed. The CPOD index of group caries was 0,27. We found five factors associated with caries of the first permanent molars: deficient dental hygiene (RMa=2,87), inadequate tooth brushing technique (RMa=1,70), drinking a sweet drink before bedtime (RMa=1,68), visiting the dentist (RMa=0,67) and fluoride application (RMa=0,61).
Conclusions: Prevalence of caries in the first permanent molars was 21%, within the range reported in other studies. Five factors associated with caries were identified: poor dental hygiene, inadequate brushing technique, consumption of sugars before going to sleep, visits to the dentist and application of fluoride. These factors guide what preventive measures should be promoted in schoolchildren for the preservation of their teeth.
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