2021, Number 3
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Acta de Otorrinolaringología CCC 2021; 49 (3)
Dysautonomia in Otorhinolaryngology. Case report and literature review
Arellano-Bárcenas A
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 222-229
PDF size: 201.07 Kb.
Introduction: Non-degenerative primary dysautonomia is a pathology with imprecise
responses from the central regulatory centers to the autonomic nervous system,
frequent in the population, since it is estimated that 70 million people present it
worldwide. It is not approached from an integral point of view, due to ignorance
and due to the varied symptoms, that it encompasses.
Clinical case: A clinical case
is also presented and discussed, with an original diagnosis of Vestibular Migraine
with torpid evolution of several years of evolution, which was studied again and
diagnosed as dysautonomia, initiating treatment, with a reduction of symptoms by
70% at three months of treatment.
Methodology: A narrative review of the literature
was carried out, in specialized search engines on the internet and higher education
libraries, with words derived from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of the
National Library of Medicine and the inclusion of material on our main topic was
restricted in english and spanish and with the following exclusion criteria: literature
in other languages, unrelated to the pathology, without scientific support, not
available electronically or physically.
Conclusion: We are faced with the absence
of conceptualization, management guides and case reports for this pathology. We
emphasize the importance of knowledge and dissemination of the disease to broaden
diagnostic horizons, since perhaps within the field of otorhinolaryngology, patients
with atypical or difficult-to-control diagnoses really correspond to this pathology.
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