2021, Number 3
Art and ethics as dimensions of nursing care
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 696.29 Kb.
Introduction: Nursing conceptions and their object of study as art and ethics accompany the thinking and actions of professionals; technical-scientific development and daily life impregnate nuances that transform them. However, it is necessary to visualize the elements of these dimensions present in professional performance and shown in research.Objective: To systematize the conceptions of art and ethics in nursing care.
Methods: A systematic review was carried out, from 2015 to 2020, in view of a reflective critical analysis of the contents of documents published during five years, using a clear methodology and theoretical reference selected during the months from September to October 2020. Descriptors identified in DeCS were used, together with Boolean operators: cuidados de enfermería [nursing care] OR enfermería [nursing] AND ética en enfermería [nursing ethics] AND arte [art]. The search was carried out in the databases SciELO, Redalyc, Medigraphic and Index. The flow chart Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses was used to contribute to the formulation of the search strategy.
Conclusions: The systematization and analysis of the conceptions of nursing care as art and ethics shows their development and professional independence in several contexts. During the systematization, the links between caring for the human being as art and ethics were established. In addition, the approach to ethics of care and care per se were established, based on different perspectives in which its margins are blurred in the practice of human care.
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