2021, Number 3
Process management and benchmarking for improving quality of care
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 808.50 Kb.
Introduction: Quality is a strategic element with an incidence in the transformation and improvement of health systems. Given its continuous nature, it is necessary to visualize and assume effective approaches for its improvement, such as process management and benchmarking.Objective: Identify the application trends of process management and benchmarking in improving quality of care.
Methods: Metareview of articles from the second generation of knowledge and published from 2014 to 2020. The following keywords were used: gestión de procesos [process management], referenciación competitiva [benchmarking], benchmarking, benchmarking AND gestión de procesos [benchmarking and process management] and referenciación competitiva AND gestión de procesos [benchmarking AND process management]. The following inclusion criteria were considered for the selection of the articles: original articles published in full texts in English, Portuguese and Spanish; as well as available on sites specialized in management areas, electronic journals on health administration and management, and journals on health quality.
Conclusions: The review carried out showed little literature integrating process management and benchmarking for quality improvement; however, examples of their application were identified independently. The application of these technologies by nursing professionals showed some involvement for improvement that allow future applications in several areas of performance by these professionals.
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