2021, Number 3
Attributes explored in clinical advisors, in view of conducting practice learning of nursing students
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 758.22 Kb.
Introduction: Advisorship in the training of Nursing students in clinical settings is recognized in countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom (Nursing Midwifery Council), Spain and Italy, where it is identified as a problem in the profession, due to the weakening of student tutelage in settings for practice training.Objective: To describe attributes perceived by clinical Nursing advisors concerning the conduction of formative learning in clinical practices.
Methods: Descriptive and exploratory study. The analysis units were advisors from two academic units of Chilean universities. The study period was defined from March 2018 to November 2019. To select the participants, homogeneous sampling was chosen, active until sample saturation and information sufficiency were obtained. The study included practicing nurses hired by universities, with more than three years as advisors. The study excluded academic practice advisors who belong to the Nursing school faculties of both universities. Field work began with mind-wandering; social and temporal maps were created for first approaches to the participants. To collect the information, the focus group technique was used. Demands and ethical principles of studies with human beings were respected.
Results: The advisors perceived that a good practice begins with a projection and proximity between university and hospital. They highlight their need for training in the work as students’ advisors, influenced by conditions that favor the learning environment of the clinical setting.
Conclusions: Five subcategories make up the attributes of advisors to conduct clinical practices: development of the study plan, planning of advisorship, clinical learning environment, supervision of practice, and scientific-reflective thinking.
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