2021, Number 3
Validation of a survey for nursing work with patients with chronic heart failure in palliative care
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 651.67 Kb.
Introduction: In Cuba, heart diseases are the leading cause of death. In advanced stages of heart failure, the curative therapy loses efficacy and palliative care is a valid option; however, its use is not yet widespread.Objective: To validate a survey for characterizing the educative psychosocial and health situation, as well as the opinion about the care of patients with chronic heart failure in palliative care.
Methods: Instrumental study carried out, between January and December 2018, in the health area of XX Aniversario Polyclinic of Remedios Municipality, Villa Clara Province, Cuba. The study was based on the Delphi method to determine the validity, through expert judgment, of a survey to apply with patients with chronic heart failure. The research was developed in three stages: adaptation of the questionnaire, content validation, and pilot test. A sample of 35 patients was selected. The validation of the questionnaire's functionality was determined through calculation of Cronbach's alpha coefficient.
Results: The survey prepared for the research, validated and enriched by expert judgement, allows to characterize the educative psychosocial and health situation of patients with chronic heart failure who receive palliative care and helps to know their criteria about the care they receive.
Conclusions: The obtained instrument is appropriate for its effective use in its application context, while its generalization to other settings is possible.
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