2021, Number 3
Implementation of curricular design based on healthcare safety and quality competences
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-17
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Introduction: Healthcare safety training is essential to increase the quality of nursing care.Objective: To assess the degree of compliance in the implementation of a curricular design based on safety and quality of care competences at the School of Nursing of Finis Terrae University.
Methods: Mixed study of exploratory and sequential type carried out in 2016. A qualitative content analysis was carried out of the graduation profiles of 38 nursing schools in Chile and 35 study programs of the School of Nursing of Finis Terrae University. Subsequently, a quantitative descriptive study was carried out with 29 professors and three intentionally selected subject coordinators. Descriptive statistical methods, qualitative analysis and two levels of data triangulation were used.
Results: Six Chilean nursing schools declared concepts related to safety and quality of care. Regarding the programs of the institution studied, all include competences associated with healthcare safety. Concerning the results about teaching of healthcare safety, the average obtained was high (58.793; SD=9,217). The subvariable with the highest weighting was ethical conduct (9.1) and the one with the lowest weighting was safe work (6.7). In the semistructured interviews, the majority of the coordinators considered quality of care as the most important element.
Conclusions: The degree of compliance with the implementation of the curricular design oriented towards the development safety and quality of care competences is high. However, the degree of importance given to safety and quality of care issues was different between teachers and coordinators.
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