2021, Number 3
Predictive variables of type 2 diabetes associated to self-care behaviors
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-22
PDF size: 939.47 Kb.
Introduction: Care competence in individuals is based on their beliefs, as a result of interaction with diverse elements and stimuli that surround them, which are experienced by humans as customs and habitual health practices in their families and the community.Objective: To identify the predictive variables of type 2 diabetes associated with self-care behaviors.
Methods: Quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study carried out, between March and October 2019, in Santa Elena, Ecuador. The universe was 171 inhabitants and the sample was 166 individuals, with risks for type 2 diabetes, aged from 18 to 64 years old. Sociodemographic data and self-care behaviors were assessed through FINDRISK test. Descriptive statistics (Anova) was applied for age, body mass index, abdominal perimeter, physical activity, consumption of fruits and vegetables, use of antihypertensive drugs, previous glucose levels, according to risk level with a P ≤ 0.01.
Results: A statistically significant association at 5.00% was found between the FINDRISK risk level and age group (P < 0.01), educational level (P = 0.03), body mass index (P < 0.01), blood pressure (P < 0.01), elevated serum glucose (P < 0.01), ante cents of type 2 diabetes (P < 0.01), and at 10.00% with the variable of physical activity (P = 0.081).
Conclusions: The predictive variables for type 2 diabetes mellitus are associated with the self-care capacity of the individual as described by Dorothea Orem. People with low risk tend to decrease with age, while slightly high risk frequencies remain relatively stable. Risks are relatively stable, with a slight decrease, in the group over 64 years of age.
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