2021, Number 2
Elective course on surgical risk for undergraduate Dental Medicine students
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 496.66 Kb.
Introduction: Surgical risk patients have associated diseases that must be considered during dental treatment. Some research carried out have revealed the existence of deficiencies during dental care for this type of patients, a reason why the issue must be strengthened during undergraduate studies.Objective: To present the generalities of an elective course of comprehensive dental care for patients at surgical risk and the criteria issued by its participants.
Methods: A descriptive research with a pedagogical nature was carried out to expose the most important characteristics of the course. The following variables were taken into account: topics, objectives, knowledge system and skills system. The positive-negative-interesting technique was applied to all the course participants.
Results: The implemented course had five topics: the first was dedicated to generalities and particular characteristics in the preparation of a clinical record; the second and third courses, to surgical risk diseases and dental treatments; the fourth course, to the use of drugs for systemic diseases and possible interactions; and the fifth, to clinical experiences. The students provided positive, negative and interesting criteria.
Conclusions: The designed course offers knowledge and skills to the student that are not provided in undergraduate subjects, which allows better comprehensive dental care to patients at surgical risk. The students participating in the elective course provided favorable criteria about the course’s structure, relevance and scientific value.
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