2021, Number 2
Characterization of the Faculty of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana (2018-2019)
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 400.67 Kb.
Introduction: Pedagogical sciences face the great challenge of educating the new generations. It requires prepared and updated teachers, capable of giving a creative response to the new demands in their professional performance, committed to participating and willing to do it actively in view of changes, in order to achieve self-improvement and increase the quality of education in the current conditions.Objective: To characterize the faculty of University of Medical Sciences of Havana during the 2018-2019 academic year.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study was carried out, in which variables related to the characteristics of the faculty of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana were analyzed, with a focus on teaching and research rank, second degree specialists, and master or doctoral degrees’ holders. The database of the Directorate of Cadres of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana was taken as a primary source.
Results: The highest percentage corresponded to the teaching rank of Assistant Professor. The degrees of Master in Sciences accounted for 42.9%, while second degree specialists accounted for 20.2%. A scientific rank was held by 7.7% of professors. Almost one third of these were reported to hold scientific rank, with a predominance of Associate Researchers.
Conclusions: The faculty was mostly made up of Assistant Professors. Approximately one fifth of these were second degree specialists and had a scientific rank, with a representation of Associate Researchers. About half of the professors were masters of sciences. Doctors of sciences were represented by a low percentage.
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