2022, Number 3
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Medicina & Laboratorio 2022; 26 (3)
Clinical and cytogenetic characterization of a cohort of patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia treated at a University Hospital in Medellín, Colombia Leonardo
Mejía-Buriticá L, Ocampo-Medina M, Ospina-Ospina S, Regino-Agamez CA, Vásquez-Palacio G, Torres-Hernández JD
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 273-286
PDF size: 99.82 Kb.
Introduction. Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) is a rare subtype of acute
myeloid leukemia (AML), characterized by a particularly aggressive clinical behavior,
that in the absence of treatment is usually fatal. The objective of this work was to determine
the clinical and cytogenetic characteristics of a cohort of patients with APL, in
order to evaluate their relationship with the outcome and prognosis of these patients.
Methodology. An observational, descriptive, retrospective study of patients older
than 15 years with a diagnosis of APL treated at the Hospital Universitario San Vicente
Fundación, between 2012 and 2020, was carried out.
Results. A total of 32 patients
were included. The mean age at diagnosis was 37 years, 84.4% of the patients had
the t(15;17) in the karyotype, and 93.75% had positive FISH. 12.5% of cases had a
complex karyotype. Mortality in the first 30 days was 15.6%, with bleeding being the
most common cause of death. All patients who survived achieved complete remission
(84.3%). In an average follow-up of 24 months, 14.8% of cases relapsed. In the bivariate
analysis, a relationship was found between the male sex and having a complex
karyotype (p‹0.015). No relationship was found between complex karyotype and early
mortality (p=0.358), nor between complex karyotype and relapse (p=0.052).
We present the clinical and cytogenetic characteristics of a cohort of patients
with APL in Colombia. Central nervous system bleeding was the main cause of early
mortality, with all surviving patients achieving complete remission on induction therapy.
Mortality, complete remission and relapse rates were similar to those reported by
other Latin American series, but lower than studies from European countries. Contrary
to what has been reported in other studies, no relationship was found between complex
karyotype and early mortality or relapse.
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