2022, Number 2
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Acta de Otorrinolaringología CCC 2022; 50 (2)
Ventilatory changes after a tracheostomy in COVID-19 pneumonia
Lugo-Machado JA, García-Ramírez PE, Guerrero-Paz JA, Rodríguez-Quintana OS, Reina-Loaiza JR, Canché-Martín E, Sainz-Fuentes N
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 117-123
PDF size: 243.49 Kb.
Introduction: Controversy continues to exist regarding the effects on ventilatory parameters
in patients undergoing tracheostomy, and studies in cases with SARS-CoV-2
are scarce.
Objective: To describe changes in ventilatory parameters in patients
undergoing tracheostomy for SARS-CoV-2 in the intensive care unit.
Methods: A
retrospective, descriptive, longitudinal study was carried out. Variables such as age,
sex, comorbidities, time of IOT, ventilatory parameters, blood gases and the Kirby
index were included. Descriptive statistics with measures of central tendency and
measures of dispersion were used.
Results: n = 493 COVID-19 cases were received,
n = 133 (26.35%) were admitted, 21 were operated on in the ICU, male gender was
76%, age 56 years, obesity and hypertension were the most common comorbidities,
all With CRP +, the preoperative ventilatory parameters ẋ (PEEP 7.61) and (FiO2
41.42), the blood gas was (pH 7.42), (pO2 95.04), (pCO2 41.47), ( HCO3 29.14),
(Saturation O2 94.7%) and the Kirby index ẋ = 235 and postoperative ẋ (PEEP 7.19)
and (FiO2 40.6), the blood gas was (pH 7.44), (pO2 43.7), (pCO2 87.7), (HCO3
27.4), (Saturation O2 95.23%). n = 3 died, two patients with bleeding complications
and one case with accidental decannulation. The mean time of mechanical ventilation
was n = 5.7 days.
Conclusions: The tracheostomy generated very subtle changes
in the ventilatory and gasometric parameters, however, the release of mechanical
ventilation was on average less than one week, emptying space in the ICU.
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