2021, Number 2
Maternal lipid profile as predictor of gestational diabetes
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 267-276
PDF size: 479.89 Kb.
Background: searchers had shown that abnormalities on maternal lipid profile due to resistance to insulin.` Objective: to evaluate the relationship between maternal lipid profile and the development of gestational diabetes mellitus.
Methods: an analytic, cross-sectional, study was carried out with a sample of 180 pregnant women. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDLc, HDLc, LDLc/HDLc and triglycerides/HDLc were done to all pregnant women in two moments: at the begin of the pregnancy (less than 12 weeks) and during the third trimester; glucose tolerance test with 75 grams of anhydrate glucose between 24-26 weeks was done too, according to its results the sample was divided in two groups: healthy pregnant women and pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus. Inferential and descriptive statistics were used.
Results: main values of total cholesterol and triglycerides increases the first trimester to third trimester, regardless the health state of the pregnant women. Pregnant women who suffer from gestational diabetes mellitus had increases of all parameters on lipid profile. Odds Ratio for the development of gestational diabetes mellitus was 1.46 times higher on obese pregnant women with high cholesterol and 1.55 times higher on obese pregnant women with high triglycerides.
Conclusions: pregnant women who had high levels of triglycerides, LDLc/HDLc or triglycerides/HDLc at the beginning of pregnancy had more risk of developing gestational diabetes.
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