2021, Number 2
Prematuridad, bajo peso al nacer y desarrollo del sistema nervioso
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 97-106
PDF size: 232.56 Kb.
Objective: to present updated references that support the potential risk represented by prematurity and low birth weight in the postnatal development of the nervous system.Method: DeCS - MESH health sciences descriptors were developed and a search was made in Medline, PubMed, Scielo regional and Scielo Cuba. 107 citations related to the subject were found, which were reviewed, of which a total of 50 pertinent bibliographic references were used for the development of this research.
Discussion: It can be affirmed that prematurity constitutes a potential risk for deviations from the normal development of the nervous system, especially when it is associated with low birth weight, being the premature very low weight and the extreme low weight, the one with the greatest vulnerability.
Conclusions: Prematurity constitutes a health problem of multifactorial cause. Neurodevelopmental disorders cover a wide spectrum and can be present in the short or long term in an individual’s life.
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