2021, Number 2
Principales manifestaciones psíquicas ante la pandemia COVID-19 en pacientes psicoge-riátricos del municipio Bauta
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 29-37
PDF size: 244.75 Kb.
Objective: To describe the main psychic manifestations in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic in psychogeriatric patients in the Bauta municipality, between April and June 2020.Materials and methods: Descriptive, retrospective, crosssectional study between April and June 2020, in the Department of Mental Health, Bauta municipality, Artemisa province. The sample (63) was made up of older adults who agreed to participate in the research. As instruments, it was applied: semi-structured interview, Anxiety Inventory: Trait-State (IDARE) and Geri-atric Depression Scale (Yesavage).
Results: The female sex predominated (63.49%), the ages between 60-69 years (52.38%), the symptoms of anxiety and insomnia (100%), depression (88.88%) and irritability ( 80.95%); Fears of dying equal the fear of remaining in isolation (92.06%), worries of re-maining isolated (93.65%), economic deprivation (92.06%) and animal welfare (57, 14%). In IDARE, patients with high state (63.49%) and trait (58.73%) anxiety predominate. In the Yesavage, mild depression predominates (68.25%).
Conclusions: The main psychic manifestations appeared in patients with neurotic functioning, anxiety and insomnia prevail, followed by depression and irritability. Concerns about isolation were evident.
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