2021, Number 2
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Cuba y Salud 2021; 16 (2)
Impacto psicológico de la COVID - 19 en pacientes convalecientes de la enfermedad
González FY, Monteagudo MRl, Martínez HB, Morales PID, Prado PR
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 25-28
PDF size: 190.40 Kb.
Objective: To determine the psychological impact of COVID-19
in convalescent patients from the disease in the Sancti Spíritus
Materials and methods: A descriptive study was carried out with
a non-probabilistic, intentional sample, consisting of the 7 positive
patients for COVID-19 from the Sancti Spíritus municipality, for
which theoretical, empirical and statistical techniques were used.
Results: 71.4% of the sample corresponded to the
female sex and the age group between 20 and 29 years
old predominated. In the cognitive order, concern about
contagion to a close relative stood out in 71.4% of the cases;
while the social representation of the disease corresponded
to life threatening in 71.4% and there was a predominance
of asymptomatic cases. 71.4% of the sample turned out to
be vulnerable to stress and negative emotional states such
as fear, restlessness, sadness, dejection and anguish were
found. 85.7% of the patients presented an internal locus of
control and 71.4% a high resilience capacity.
Conclusions: COVID-19 has produced a psychological impact
on patients confirmed to the disease, generating negative
emotional states, even when a responsible and resilient attitude
is assumed in the face of this pathology.
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