2003, Number 5
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2003; 46 (5)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome
Carrillo ER, Contreras DV
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 179-184
PDF size: 56.35 Kb.
The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is caused by a coronavirus named SARS Co-V. The first cases of this disease were reported in the chinesse province of Guangdong in november 2002, and rapidly spread to 28 countries. SARS is an acute infectious disease that causes fever, malaise and dry cough. The condition may be complicated with respiratory failure through hypoxia and pulmonary infiltrates. SARS has a mortality range of 6%. The diagnosis is made with the epidemiological and clinical findings. Some authors suggest the use of a combination of rivabirin, steroids and broad spectrum antibiotics to treat infected patients. The World Health Organization published on July 5th 2003 that the chain of transmission was under control. This is the first step in the eradication of the SARS Co-V.
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