2021, Number 2
Clinical and postoperative parameters of the traditional coronary sliding flap associated with platelet-rich fibrin
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 2213229
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Introduction: the association of mucogingival techniques with various biomaterials, as result of tissue engineering, offers advantages over traditional root coverage procedures.Objective: to describe clinical and postoperative parameters of the traditional coronally repositioned flap associated with platelet-rich fibrin membrane.
Methods: we conducted a quasi-experimental investigation in patients treated in the Periodontal consultation from the Dentistry Faculty of Villa Clara between March 2017 and May 2019. The study population consisted of 41 patients. An intentional non-probabilistic sampling based on criteria was used; the sample was made up of 26 people who met the criteria established for the study. Study sites and control ones were established in each of the patients. Age, gender, Miller class, probing depth, clinical attachment loss, clinical diseases, postoperative complications and scarring were the variables studied.
Results: probing depth and clinical attachment loss decreased at study sites for Miller classes I and II. Postoperative complications such as pain and edema occurred in controls. Healing was evaluated as good at all study sites.
Conclusions: a superior evolution was evidenced in the sites where the platelet-rich fibrin membrane was combined with the coronally repositioned flap in relation to the clinical parameters studied, the postoperative period of the patients and the healing of the mucogingival procedure.
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