2022, Number 4
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (4)
Cataracts in rheumatology
Lascurain L, Barragán-Garfias JA, Ruiz-Cruz M
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 831-839
PDF size: 264.12 Kb.
Cataracts are the leading cause of reversible blindness in developing countries, their
causes are varied, some are secondary to medications (such as the steroids), or eye
diseases like uveitis, which might be associated in some cases with rheumatic conditions.
The precise mechanism by which steroids promote cataracts development is not
yet known, although it is relevant to be aware of this adverse effect in patients receiving
these treatments. The relationship between cataracts and uveitis is important, as it is
a common complication in this setting. Surgical management in these cases is more
complex compared to those in which concomitant uveitis is not present. The aim of this
review is to highlight the relationship and importance of a multidisciplinary approach
between ophthalmologists and rheumatologists for providing an adequate management,
and achievement of a good visual prognosis.
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