2021, Number 2
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Invest Medicoquir 2021; 13 (2)
Diagnosis and treatment of the degenerative disease of lumbar disc
García MMM, Figueredo MJ
Language: Spanish
References: 31
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Introduction. Population aging has caused the degenerative lumbar disc disease to be a health problem. It occupies the secound place as a reason for medical consultation and is first cause of absenteeism of active people.
Methods. An analytical, experimental, longitudinal and prospective study was carried out in the period from January 2015 to January 2018. The aim was to characterize the diagnosis and treatment non-surgical for elongation exercises in the degenerative lumbar disc disease. The sample was constituted by 183 patients with predominance of the feminine gender.
Results. Chronic pain was present in 42.1% of patients. There was a clinical-radiological-neurophysiological correlation in 78.7 % of the cases. A total of 132 patients received non-surgical treatment (72.1 %), of which 110 patients (83.3 %) had an excellent-good response, starting six months after treatment. Surgical treatment was performed on 51 patients (27.9 %). They all had excellent-good evolution in the first trimester, but after six months the difference in the proportion of patients with favorable evolution decreased by 10%. In fact, after 12 months, the patients who carried out the program of exercises 83,3 % they were more subserved, in comparison with him 76,5 % that they received surgical treatment.
Conclusions. There was a worse response in patients who presented: obesity, more than five crises per year, biomechanical alterations, and whose age was over 51 years old. No treatment interaction was detected with the basal factors.
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