2021, Number 1
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salud ciencia tec 2021; 1 (1)
Work fatigue and absenteeism in the nursing staff
Sulca JE
Language: Spanish
References: 38
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Introduction: nursing professionals are exposed to mental workload constantly to situations that generate burdens as a consequence of the physical, mental, emotional and economic effort of care and other sociodemographic and occupational factors.
Objective: to describe the association between work fatigue and absenteeism in nursing staff of a private institution in the city of Buenos Aires.
Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in a private institution of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires from February to April 2022. The sample consisted of 60 nurses, selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling. This research was developed with the application of the Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory questionnaire, contextualized and validated in Spanish.
Results: the sample consisted of 65 % of the female sex. The mean age was 39,22±11,59. Of the professionals, 46,7 % had a nursing degree. In relation to absence from work during the last 12 months,
this was evidenced in 56,7 % of the sample; and the average number of days of absence from work during the last 12 months was 15,85±40,63.
Conclusions: is necessary to take into consideration the study of mental workload and fatigue in the nursing profession, according to the working conditions within the nursing staff.
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