2021, Number 1
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Invest Medicoquir 2021; 13 (1)
Guide-line for Neurophysiological studies performance and their utility during a pandemic outbreak (COVID-19)
Valdés SRR, Vega TH
Language: Spanish
References: 40
PDF size: 227.35 Kb.
Introduction. Viral outbreak that takes place in Wuhan (China) due to a Coronavirus family member was reported in 2019 causing the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). World Health Organization has declared this outbreak as a international health emergency. So far there is not a vaccine to fight COVID-19, world-wide mortality it is calculated in about 3%. Amongst symptoms we can find fever, cough, diarrhea and entities like Pneumonia and Distress Respiratory Syndrome. Nervous system damage expresses like dizziness, headache, consciousness alterations, ataxia, seizures, and impairment of vision, smell, taste, neuralgias and myalgia. Taking into account these ideas, Clinical Neurophysiologists services could be required for several studies.
Conclusions: Clinical Neurophysiology is a diagnostic specialty which in front of COVID-19 pandemic has a limited utility compared to other specialties. One very important study during this outbreak can be Electro-encephalogram in Intensive Care Unit, but its usefulness it is not limited to this field only. Clinical Neurophysiology personnel if required must know and apply protection measures to protect themselves and patients. SARS-CoV2 implication in human nervous system it is under investigation, future research will be necessary to bring light into the pathophysiology of SARS-CoV2 in Central and Peripheral nervous human system. This will determine the roll of Clinical neurophysiology facing COVID-19.
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