2021, Number 1
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Invest Medicoquir 2021; 13 (1)
Importance of the radiological splint in the planning of implant prosthetic rehabilitation
Echezarreta RD, Alfonso ED, Castillo RR, González GS
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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The use of dental implants for the treatment of complete and partial edentulism has become a therapeutic procedure very web integrated within restoring odontology. It is very often observed the cases of patients who come to the consultation complaining of implantological treatments that have failed. One of the most common causes of such failures is the use of incorrect and irrational diagnostic means together with an incorrect planning of this type of treatment. It is for this reason that we have decided to work out bibliographical revision that allows us to evaluate the importance of the radiological ferula on the planning of a protesis on an implant. During the marking of the plan the use of the ferula is of great value, because it permits to place the implants in the most convenient position, which facilitates a lot the preparation of the protesis based on the bony distribution. This facilitates hygiene and that the form and size of the teeth can be the most adequate.
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