2021, Number 1
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Invest Medicoquir 2021; 13 (1)
Methods of evaluation, treatment and complications of tracheal affections
Batista MG, Domínguez CJ, Piñeiro PD, Collera RSA, Mesa GM, García EI
Language: Spanish
References: 54
PDF size: 258.77 Kb.
At the international level, tracheal stenosis continues to be one of the most difficult problems for surgeons, pulmonologists and otolaryngologists. The methods of evaluation, treatment and complications of tracheal disorders are essential elements in the evolution of this pathology. Ischemia caused by prolonged orotracheal intubation in intensive care units is indicated as the main cause of this disease. It is specified that the cause of ischemia is the continuous pressure generated by the balloon of the orotracheal tube, which leads to ischemia, inflammation, necrosis, abnormal scarring and finally to stenosis. Different authors point out other causes implicated in the origin of this disease, thus mentioning airway surgeries, such as tracheostomy, cricothyroidectomy, tracheal resections for tumors, idiopathic, autoimmune diseases such as Wegener's granulomatosis, polychondritis, sarcoidosis, among others. The treatment of choice for symptomatic tracheal stenosis, both benign and malignant, is resection and reconstruction surgery. The degree of stenosis guides the need for treatment and the length allows us to know how much trachea must be safely resected. However, despite all preoperative care and correct selection of the treatment to be used, there are still surgical complications capable of compromise the good results of tracheal surgery. Tracheal stenosis is considered to be a dangerous and difficult condition to manage, which requires different approaches guided by the site, length, type of stenosis and associated complications.
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