2022, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2022; 64 (4)
Validity and reliability of the polydiagnostic inventory for psychotic disorders OPCRIT 4.0 adapted to Spanish
Martínez-Leal R, Soriano M, Salvador-Carulla L, Folch-Mas A
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 406-414
PDF size: 324.52 Kb.
Objective. This study proposes the Spanish adaptation and
validation of the operational criteria OPCRIT checklist for
psychotic disorders 4.0. This instrument provides a diagnosis
based on several diagnostic systems.
Materials and
methods. The original inventory was translated into Spanish
and then back-translated into the original English language.
We tested the criterion-validity, the concurrent validity and
the inter-rater reliability from a sample of 106 clinical records
of adult patients from a local community mental health center.
Results. The data obtained demonstrated the validity and
reliability of the OPCRIT 4.0 adaptation in the evaluation of
the sample of medical records.
Conclusions. The OPCRIT
4.0 Spanish adaptation and validation provides a fast, reliable,
and useful system allows the diagnosis of psychotic disorders
through different classification systems.
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