2022, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2022; 64 (4)
Contraception post-obstetric event and subsequent pregnancy in adolescents: health personnel perspectives in Mexico
Campero L, Romero I, Estrada F, Hubert C, Heredia-Pi IB, Villalobos-Hernández A
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 385-396
PDF size: 295.38 Kb.
Objective. To identify how the strategy of providing contraceptive
methods after any obstetric event (APEO, its Spanish
acronym) is implemented and to analyze the barriers, actions
and recommendations to prevent subsequent pregnancies in
Materials and methods. Qualitative study
through content analysis of 21 semi-structured interviews
with health services providers from two Mexican states.
Results. The provision of contraceptives after any obstetric
event is promoted during pregnancy, childbirth, postabortion,
puerperium and up to 12 months after the obstetric event.
Counseling should address, in addition to technical information
on contraceptive methods, other key issues related
to the sexual and reproductive rights of adolescents. We
identified personal, institutional and social barriers in the
implementation of the strategy. Health staff provided specific
recommendations and actions for consolidate this strategy.
Conclusion. The APEO strategy must be strengthened to
guarantee the supply of services according to the needs of
women under 20, as well as to design interventions based
on good practices and health providers’ recommendations
to overcome barriers and have longer birth intervals that
imply further births beyond adolescence.
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