2022, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2022; 64 (4)
Cost-effectiveness analysis of pulse oximetry as a screening test for critical congenital heart defects in Mexico
García-Benítez LA, Granados-García V, Agudelo-Botero M, Mier-Martínez M, Palacios-Macedo A, Durán-Arenas L
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 377-384
PDF size: 295.98 Kb.
Objective. To carry out a cost-effectiveness analysis of pulse
oximetry as a newborn screening test for critical congenital
heart defects (CCHD) in Mexico.
Materials and methods.
Economic evaluation study was conducted from the
perspective of the health care provider. A decision tree model
was used to compare between physical examination alone
and pulse oximetry screening (POS) as an additional test to
physical examination.
Results. For every 10 000 newborns,
the alternative with POS detected an additional 32 cases of
CCHD, with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of USD
1 219, and at a willingness-to-pay threshold of USD 25 000 for
each early detection, the probability of cost-effectiveness is
more than 90%.
Conclusion. The cost-effectiveness of POS,
as a newborn screening for CCHD, is higher in Mexico than in
high-income countries, and represents a cost-effective investment
to gain years of life in the child population of Mexico.
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