2021, Number 35
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INFODIR 2021; 17 (35)
Methodological bases for process management in hospital services
Hernández RAR
Language: Spanish
References: 53
Page: 1-23
PDF size: 548.54 Kb.
Introduction: Hospital services are in a competitive environment, quality management systems must be oriented towards models that respond to the current concepts of excellence. The design and reordering of clinical care activities from a process management perspective represents an opportunity for continuous improvement of hospital services.
Objectives: To present the principles and methodological bases that allow hospital institutions to adopt quality management based on a process approach to hospital services.
Development: The logical historical methods, analysis and synthesis of documents and induction-deduction were used. A theoretical framework was established that proposes the methodological bases for the design and implementation of quality management with a process approach in the activities of hospital services. The meaning and added value of the management of clinical processes was defined, the reduction of clinical variability, the standardization of healthcare activities and the satisfaction of patients and professionals were highlighted.
Conclusions: Quality management based on a process approach improves the performance of hospital institutions. It is evident that hospitals must modify their traditional management models, which implies a reordering of workflows, in such a way that they provide added value aimed at increasing patient satisfaction and facilitating the tasks of professionals.
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