2021, Number 35
COVID-19 in Cuba and the opportunities for its management in times of crisis
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-21
PDF size: 472.10 Kb.
Introduction: COVID-19 constitutes a global health crisis that cuts across all sectors of society. In Cuba, with serious economic limitations, its confrontation required a comprehensive approach with the national health system as its main strength.Objective: To analyze the COVID-19 country management model and the existing challenges in its confrontation.
Methods: A qualitative documentary research was conducted from March to November 2020, whose main purpose was to analyze the country's challenges in dealing with COVID-19. Information related to the research problem was collected, subjected to content analysis and presented in relation to this type of study.
Results: The management of the pandemic in the country relied on the political will and direct leadership of the Government. The economic limitations and the affectations of the North American blockade represented a challenge in its approach and at the same time an opportunity in the search for strategies for its control, where the intersectoral and the strengths of the health system were of great importance.
Conclusions: The strategy adopted by the Cuban Government constitutes an example in the follow-up and confrontation of this disease, the adoption of collegiate decisions and focused on the human being at the center, contributes to the development of specific proposals. In times of crisis, solidarity and the development of products of the Cuban biotechnological industry were maintained, fundamental elements that allow facing the economic challenges and advancing towards their control.
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